Contact Us
Protect yourself from scams
Fynbos will never contact you via WhatsApp from any other numbers. If you aren't sure if you are speaking to Fynbos ensure that the number you are communicating with is one of the numbers listed below.
You can contact us via email or WhatsApp. Our business hours are between 9am and 5pm on normal business days.
We do our best to get back to you within a few hours.
We have two WhatsApp lines which we use for notifications and support. Both are WhatsApp Business accounts.
+27 60 018 1815
All notifications, including your One-Time-PIN (OTP) for logging in, come from the notifications number. We will receive replies to this number but it is not monitored closely at this time.
Never share the OTP you receive via this chat with anyone, even if they claim to be working for Fynbos.
+27 68 624 4900
If you need any support, the best thing to do is contact us via WhatsApp using our support number.
Click HERE to start a chat with support
Occasionally we will contact you directly from this number if we need to resolve an issue with your account.
If you want to contact us via email, send your request to